Monday, June 23, 2008

June 22, 2008

Cri-key! Here we have a beeeeautiful specimen of something rather common ‘round these pahts: the discharged Dunkin’ Donuts cup. Look at the result of my crouching really low to get a bettah picture of this lovely plastic cup that probably, but absolutely not definitely, once held some iced coffee. I got in real tight and exposed myself to harm fearing the plastic should lash out with defensive thrusts of caffeine. This beeeeautifully squashed cup nearly slipped my radar this evening as I grilled a rack o’ribs on the bar-bi, but a friend who noticed this indigenous creature lurking so close to my property line brought it to my attention not sure if it was indeed over the line. Upon closah inspection, it was in my yard and qualified inclusion in this blog. This cup has obviously seen bettah days and its lid is nowhere to found…no where to be found. Honestly, I am quite surprised it took so long for this to show its head as patrons of Dunkin’ Donuts, and the Massachusetts State Lottery, are some the worst littering offenders.

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