Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 14, 2008

The below weathered box was today’s blown in treat. The box, which is also squashed flat, once housed 50 (fifty) of those little illicit looking snap explosives we all enjoyed as kids-except you freaks who couldn’t stand loud noises and feverishly covered your ears with a panicked look as if actual hand grenades where being used. Most likely enjoyed by the neighborhood ruffians, the empty, sans a trapped leaf, box found its way into my backyard. As a fine young laddy, I recall using these things and enjoying them. However, nowadays I find the box’s text more amusing: “Snappers a novel Trick. Item Bang” and “Do not put in mouth. Throw on ground.” I find it funny that the package warns “Handle Carefully,” but also instructs users to “snap it” and even depicts a little explosion on the girl’s hand. And what’s the deal with all the red dots on the girl’s dress?

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