Monday, July 7, 2008

July 5. 2008

Either a woman or a sissy threw an empy can of Bud Light out of their car’s window where it was squished on the street and somehow found its way into my driveway- I’m willing to bet cars passing by my house ran it over kicking it onto my land. It’s good to own land. Bud Light is an awful beer consumed by “large” people who think it will actually make a difference when it comes to the circumference of their waisteline. Skinny chicks do not drink it because they do not have too. However, neither do the cornbread fed thick chicks who slam pints o’ Guiness stout with one hand while slappin’ the snot out of their boyfriends with the other because they do not care and are perfect breeding stock who can push out twelve kids in twelve years without blinkig an eye. Chubby men will eat slops of cheese and gobs of mayonaisse while sipping Buddy Lights because regular Bud is simply too bitter. Awww. Yes, I think it is ok to judge via beer choice.

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